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Add that Missing Bathroom Fast
to Close More Deals

With Saniflo, It's Possible

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Sometimes, it takes an added bathroom
to convince a reluctant buyer.
  • With Saniflo, you can add a bathroom nearly anywhere, which comes in handy when home buyers are holding back due to lack of plumbing.

  • Don’t let the request to add a convenient bathroom just where your client wants one stand in the way of closing more deals faster.

  • Saniflo’s advanced plumbing products let you add an affordable functioning bathroom (or kitchen) nearly anywhere, without the headaches of traditional construction.

Saniflo is the affordable and value-adding home improvements real estate agents suggest!
Real Estate

Real estate pros often coach their clients on the value of making "curb-appeal" improvements to help sell their homes. Outside painting and minor repairs signal that the house has been well cared for. Those are great tactics, but there are other value-adding projects real estate pros can suggest to take it to the next level, without breaking the bank.

Alternatively, a real estate firm might include a renovation and construction element in its business; like property remodeling and “flipping,” apartment renovations or new builds. Saniflo’s line of above-floor drain pumps and macerators offers an affordable way to increase a home’s value to flip it for an eventual return on investment.

The key is knowing which upgrades will actually increase a home’s value when the time to sell inevitably comes. Owners need not spend a lot of money to make a home more appealing. There are lower-cost remodeling projects that offer a better return on investment.  Read More...

Full Bathroom
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The Saniaccess3 is a system that is used to install a complete bathroom up to 15 feet below the sewer line, or even up to 150 feet away from a soil stack.

Saniaccess® 3

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Heavy-duty grinder system for full bath. Handles effluent, toilet paper and sanitary products and includes 2 easy access panels for accidentally flushed items. 

Sanibest® Pro

Half Bathroom
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The Sanicompact is a self-contained system that is used to install a half-bathroom up to 9 feet below the sewer line, or even up to 120 feet away from a soil stack.


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The Saniaccess2 is a system that is used to install a half bathroom up to 15 feet below the sewer line, or even up to 150 feet away from a soil stack. 

Saniaccess® 2

Buy Saniflo Online

You can now purchase Saniflo products online through one of our authorized online distributors.  Please click on the logo of the company to get redirected to their website.


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